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Team UFFS in Chapecó, Brazil
The Federal University of Fronteira Sul UFFS is a Brazilian university.
Samira Moretto
South American Environmental History Expert
SoyStories is a project that dialogues with the research I have been developing on Environmental History and the plant movement. In addition to the exchange of plant species, I have been researching the impacts of changes in landscapes after the insertion of monocultures, such as soybean and planted forests. Graduated in History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2007), Master in History from the same University (2010), Ph.D. in History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2014), with a period at California State University, Long Beach (2013) . Researches and advisor on Environmental History, Domestication and Introduction of species plants, Deforestation, Reforestation, Landscape Transformations, Biodiversity Conservation and History of Brazil Republic, with emphasis on the period from 1964 to recent times.
Claiton Márcio da Silva
Environmental History of Soy Expert
Claiton Marcio da Silva is Associate Professor at the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (Brazil); he is researcher in the Soy Stories Project with focus on the history of Soybean expansion in Brazil. Moreover, Professor Claiton is Director of the Soyacene - Socioenvironmental Observatory of the Soybean and editor of "The Age of Soybean: an Environmental History of Soy During the Great Acceleration (2022).